Since we have added quail to our homestead I have come to the conclusion that they are one of the best starter animals on a homestead. Raising quail in your backyard is perfect for those of you who want to raise your own meat or eggs but lack the room for larger poultry like chicken or ducks! Quail were my husbands idea and I have to say I’m pretty glad that he brought them up! They are funny to watch and while they might not be quite as friendly as the ducks or the chickens watching them hop around the coop and interact with eachRead More →

Things seem to be expanding quickly on the homestead! I expected this to be the case while getting our homesteading family set up but it will probably slow down as fall arrives and we settle down to wait. Waiting for plants to grow and animals to mature! While there are some projects that we can rush, mother nature isn’t one of them! This is probably a good thing since the kids have recently started virtual school and that takes up a good bit of time. Homesteading Family – What We’ve Done This Month This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase afterRead More →

As part of our homesteading journey, we want to explore a lot of different DIY self-sufficient projects! In fact, part of the reason I got the two goats was with the intention of milking them when they came of age! With homegrown milk comes the option to make homemade cheese! Of course, we won’t be able to make cheese from our goat’s milk for a while longer, perhaps next fall. But that wasn’t going to stop me from trying things out a bit early and it turns out that making your own homemade cheese – while a bit time consuming, isn’t very hard at all!Read More →

Settling into the homesteading life has been both challenging and rewarding! I’m happy to say that the kids love it so far and I’m a pretty big fan myself! I’m pretty sure even my husband has enjoyed expanding his woodworking skills when I badger him about building yet one more thing. It’s become pretty apparent that there will always be something to build, fix, or improve upon while we set up and learn! But that’s half the fun of it all! The kids have jumped in full force and participate in the morning and afternoon chores which I am grateful for as there are aRead More →

A selection of keto friendly vegetable's

It has been a few years since I attempted a vegetable garden! While we were pretty successful and enjoyed the process other factors in our life kept us from trying again. This spring it was the knowledge that we would likely be moving – which we did! We have loved starting our own homestead so far and a garden has to be a part of that plan! Unfortunately, we moved well past the spring planting dates for our zone. I have never tried planning a fall garden before but this seems like a pretty great time to start! Planning A Fall Garden This post mayRead More →

Several years ago I started raising backyard chickens so that my family could enjoy fresh eggs. The benefits of having a readily available source of good nutritious food has certainly proved itself worthwhile! No matter what happens at the grocery store I know I can count on the ladies and their eggs to feed us! In the past while raising baby chicks we were only able to raise four at a time due to space restrictions. Now that we have moved to a larger property it’s time to expand the flock! Homesteading with chickens is a great way to get our feet wet with thisRead More →

Starting A Homestead

Things have been a bit crazy around here for the last couple of months but we are finally doing it! Our family is finally starting the homestead we have always dreamed of. As I mentioned in previous posts things have been slower here on the blog because we were in the process of moving! Here’s hoping that we don’t have to do that again for a very long time – if ever! We have located from our small suburban home to a 10-acre plot in middle Georgia. The land is mostly forested right now but it does have a small pasture and 2 stall horseRead More →

A few years ago I got inspired by the growing Backyard Chicken movement and decided I wanted to try raising baby chicks. It seemed like a great idea – raise my own eggs and teach my children a little bit about where their food comes from. Of course, I was completely clueless about how to raise or even get chickens, but, I figured if so many people were doing it then it couldn’t be all that hard. Raising Baby Chicks This post may contain affiliate links. This means that if you make a purchase after following one of my links I may receive a smallRead More →