It’s officially Fall here on the homestead and with the cooler temperatures, it’s the perfect time to start working on some outdoor projects. It’s also the time to start planning for Spring, which seems a bit crazy but chicks hatched now will be laying by early spring and the lack of demand for fertile eggs makes this the perfect time to hatch out chicks that I can keep for my own breeding programs or sell as started pullets later on. Fall is the perfect time to start all the background work necessary for spring projects. Since last year was a learning and growing year forRead More →

Are you hoping to get fitter? Are you wanting to get back into exercising again? Regaining your love of fitness and making exercise a part of your life once again can feel like a massive challenge, and you may find yourself putting off getting started. Many people have good intentions to exercise more and lead a more active lifestyle, but many of these plans never get put into action. If your motivation levels are low and you often find a reason not to exercise, then you should find these suggestions will help you to overcome the barriers to fitness and get you back to beingRead More →

It can feel overwhelming at times to try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It doesn’t always easily fit in with the reality of your day-to-day life. It can be hard going to work, look after and support your family, maintain your home, eat well, complete exercise, spend quality time with friends and loved ones.  When you think about healthy living, you can incorporate all of these elements, if you choose to and that is what you want, however, the concept of a healthy lifestyle does not have to be defined by completing these actions. Your wellness doesn’t necessarily have to revolve around these big displays.Read More →

Rabbits are not the first animal that comes to mind when people think about starting a homestead but they probably should be! This is especially true if you live on a smaller property or even within city limits. Rabbits are multi-purpose quiet animals that don’t require huge pastures or extensive land to be happy and healthy. Rabbits were one of the first animals we added to our homestead and they’ve been a pretty great addition! Here is why you should consider homesteading with rabbits along with your chickens, quail, and goats! Homesteading With Rabbits This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchaseRead More →

When you think about homesteading there is a pretty good chance that several things come to mind. Chickens and gardens tend to be at the top of that list but what about goats? Homesteading with goats is very popular for a variety of reasons but it’s not always the first thing new homesteaders think about. Cows and sheep might be first on your mind but you’d be surprised to find out that goats can meet a lot of your homesteading needs in one cute and mischievous package! Homesteading with goats was an easy decision for me for a lot of reasons and while some ofRead More →

I am always looking for ways to save money and this is especially true for our food costs. Feeding a family of four can be pricy! My attempts to save money on the grocery bill have taken many forms over the years ranging from couponing to list-making & budgeting! We have cut out junk food and recently, thanks to our homesteading journey turned to hunting and raising our own meat. Of course, growing our own garden would be a great way to reduce our vegetable costs at the grocery store… but our garden is not yet producing and it’s going to take some time beforeRead More →

According to research conducted in 2020, it was concluded that eating a healthy diet with the right quantities of proteins supports the body’s immunity. It shows how food plays a massive role in protecting us from diseases, and so it is best to know which foods best support the immune system and the right quantities. If you are wondering which foods those are, below are a few examples to assist you. This is a Collaborative post. Shellfish Image credit The right amount of zinc in your diet is just what your body needs to have a well-functioning immune system. However, zinc doesn’t get as muchRead More →

Is Keto Hard to stick to?

Keto has become a very popular way of eating over the last couple of years and personally, it has done a lot of good for our family’s health and well-being. While it might not be perfect for everyone and I certainly encourage all of your to find and follow a healthy diet that works for you and your lifestyle goals no one should turn away from Keto because they find it confusing or overly expensive. Keto can be done in a simple and budget-friendly way. Here is how our family simplified keto so that it worked for our family. Making Keto Simple This post mayRead More →