How to Spot The Signs of Abuse in Older People

When an older relative is under the care of a primary care provider, you expect them to be getting the best care possible for the money that you pay. 

Having a professional taking care of your loved one means that you can rest assured knowing that all of their needs are being met.
However, there may be some instances where you are rightfully concerned about the care they are given. 

Here are some of the signs of abuse in elders by caregivers. 

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Injury and Bruising 

While common for older folk to suffer from bruising, if you notice that bruises appear in unusual places it is worth investigating further. 

Similarly, if your elderly relative has unexplained injuries then you’ll need to check on those, too. 


If your elderly relative is suddenly losing a lot of weight or seems dehydrated, this could be a sign that they are not being fed or given enough water which leads to malnutrition and dehydration. 

Living in unsanitary conditions 

Soiled bed linens, no clean clothes, dirty rooms, and evidence that your elderly relative is being forced to sleep and lay down on dirty bedding could be a sign of abuse. 

Behavioral changes 

Clear changes in behavior are signs of abuse, too. Not to be confused by illness. An elderly relative who suddenly seems overly withdrawn, scared, or upset, and angry could be a sign of neglect. Similarly, if this behavioral change is evident when they are close by to a member of staff, it could be a clear sign of the abuser. 

Conflicting Stories 

If you express concern for the wellbeing of your relative and speak to several caregivers, it is important that their stories match. Conflicting stories should act as a red flag and be a cause for concern. Take care to listen for the excuses given for neglect. 

What To Do If You Are Concerned 

  1. Speak with Other Families 

If you are concerned about A family member, the first step should be to ask other families if they have noticed any cause for concern for their family members.

  1. Report your concerns

Make sure to write to the board of caregivers for your local authority. They can then choose to file an investigation to make sure that all residents are given an appropriate and safe level of care. 

  1. Visit them regularly 

Make sure to try and visit your elderly relative at least once per week, but multiple times a week to be on the safe side. If caregivers see you visiting regularly, then I’m more likely to give your relative better care. Visiting regularly helps the care community staff to get to know you better, as well as making sure they know that you care about your older adult and their wellbeing.

  1. Document everything 

Have things on record that you are concerned about. This includes taking thorough notes, dates, and times in which you noticed inappropriate things. You can use this information to provide the police or any other 

Professional nursing home abuse attorneys that can be used as an advocate for your elderly relative.

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