dealing with unexpected costs as a family on a budget

This winter is one like no other with many places still on lockdown because of the pandemic. If you’ve lost an income because of this, or if you have more time than usual and want to use it productively, why not consider monetizing your free time. You can do this by starting a blog, an eCommerce store, freelancing, and more. Read on for some of the best ways to make extra money from home this winter.  This is a collaborative post, This post may contain affiliate links. If you click on a link I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.Read More →

saving money a matter of habit

Debt is not always a bad thing, sometimes it’s inevitable in today’s world. However, when it starts to grow it can be a huge source of stress. Here, we’re going to look at the tips and tricks you can try to make your growing debt a lot less scary and to help you break free and enjoy financial freedom again. If you are reading this article then odds are you have already tried to scrimp, save, and budget your debt into management. If not, I highly suggest you look into those options first! Learning to budget and manage your spending habits is an invaluable skillRead More →

There’s no doubt that there are few things in life that can be a bigger source of stress than money. Money is something that often feels as though it’s hanging over your head and can make your life far more difficult. This is particularly true when you realize that you’re in some degree of financial difficulty. This is something that can impact just about anyone at any time for a number of different reasons. Of course, the reason that you might be dealing with certain kinds of financial difficulty is going to make a big difference when it comes to how you handle it. WithRead More →

dealing with unexpected costs as a family on a budget

Maybe it’s just us, but it seems like this time of year is a magnet for bad luck. The dryer died last year and this year a sensor in the truck decided to go out. Some years are better than others but it never fails. If something is going to break and need replacing. It’s going to happen close to Christmas or a birthday or some other event that’s already stretching our budget a bit thin. Dealing with unexpected costs is just a hard bit of truth when it comes to being an adult. Would have been nice if someone had warned us about thisRead More →

Credit score myths you need to know about

There is more credit information available than ever before nowadays. We all know how important it is to know your credit score and the different factors that influence it. The trouble is that there is a lot of misinformation on the Internet. The last thing you want to do is end up believing a myth, which causes you to act in a manner that has a detrimental impact on your credit rating, rather than a positive one. I am by no means a credit expert but I have learned a few things along the way! So, with that in mind, let’s take a look atRead More →

saving money a matter of habit

Every family is subject to its own financial struggles, It just seems to be a part of life.  It’s the solution that can be troublesome to find! Saving money is one of those things that everyone’s got their own opinion about. For some, it feels like too much of an effort. For others, saving money is a way of life, even if it’s just for a few pennies. But how exactly can you tighten your belt for the sake of your whole family? We have explored a few ways to do this on the blog in the past, including couponing, meal planning and even earningRead More →

reasons why you might struggle financially

Everyone has trouble with money from time to time and it’s always good to look for creative ways you might save.  But for some, it often feels as though it’s a hole they will never climb out of. If you are someone who seems to struggle financially, then the underlying problems might be something worth looking for. You might discover that you are actually able to improve your finances if you look at what you are doing on a basic level. In this collaborative post, we will look at some of the possible reasons that you struggle with your finances, along with some great solutions forRead More →

Some of you might have read my post about Couponing a while back and I am certainly an avid Couponer. I love coupons, but sometimes the sales don’t match up with what my family needs, or my family just doesn’t enjoy the items I happen to have coupons for. When that happens its good to have other methods of saving money at the grocery stores. Here are a few tips and tricks I’ve learned for those non-coupon shopping trips. 1: Stick to the outside of the store – Produce, Meat & Dairy are generally the departments that ring the outside of the grocery store, theyRead More →

Everyone knows about couponing. We have all seen ‘Extreme Couponing’ and the pictures of people coming home with huge hauls of free or super cheap food. While these shows and pictures are inspiring, it’s probably not realistic for most families. Coupons can, however, be very useful when you are trying to save money or live on a tight paycheck. Here is how I coupon realistically. Getting deals for my family without sacrificing all of my time trying to find them. This post may contain affiliate or referral links. This means if you sign up or make a purchase after clicking one of my links IRead More →

I mentioned in an earlier post (Making Money as a Stay at Home Mom) that CashCrate is one of the sites I use to make extra cash for the family. Cashcrate is the easiest and least time-consuming site I take part in – and I probably don’t use it enough,  I could probably make a lot more money on CashCrate then I currently do. However, I like to spread out my earnings – both to reduce boredom and because it offers the chance to switch to another site when I have a bad luck day on one of them. This page contains affiliate links. IfRead More →