keto Philly Cheesesteak

Before we started following a keto lifestyle and way of eating our family was a big fan of sandwiches. A lot of families are – and with good reason! Sandwiches are easy and cheap to make, highly customizable so even your pickiest kid is happy and there are perfect options for just about every season! Of course, once we ditched the bread sandwiches became a little harder. There are low carb wraps of course, like the ones we use in our keto grilled cheese and mixes like Carbquick can be useful when you want to make a quick hamburger bun. But, when you want somethingRead More →

Resisting chocolate this time of year can be challenging. Valentine’s day is like the spring version of Halloween with boxes of candy lining the store shelves. When you choose to follow a healthier eating style these holidays can become a source of stress. We miss our favorite treats and wonder if all of this work is really worth it. Generally when you sit back and evaluate how much progress you have made and how much better you feel you find that it IS worth it…but you still miss the treats! Thankfully I have found that this way of eating makes it really easy to convertRead More →

keto stuffed chicken breast with spinach

Chicken is something we tend to make a lot in this family. It’s cheap to buy, generally simple to cook and can be adapted to a large variety of recipes. Different sauces, gravies, and methods of cooking can make this protein a great option for keto families on a budget. This keto stuffed chicken breast, paired with some delicious creamy spinach is an excellent option for a filling dinner or a special occasion! Keto Stuffed Chicken Breast with Creamy Spinach. This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking one of the links I may receive a small commission at noRead More →

A selection of keto friendly vegetable's

If you have been thinking about starting Keto or have been spending time in Keto facebook groups then you have likely run across comments telling others to eat clean keto. Keto and clean eating have started to become linked in many people’s minds and a lot of people feel that this is the only proper way to do Keto. Is this true? That’s for you to personally decide but this article should help you out! Keto and Clean Eating. The Facts You Need. This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking one of the links I may receive a smallRead More →

keto pumpkin cheesecake

Cheesecake is one of those desserts that are very easy to convert to keto, which is great because my family loves some cheesecake! It seemed only natural that we attempt to make a Keto pumpkin cheesecake for the fall season. Of course, we weren’t expecting to make it a slow cooker cheesecake but when your oven decides to go on the fritz what else is a baker to do?!? Of course, this cheesecake can be made in an oven too! Just use a springform pan and cook it for at 350 degrees for 45-55 minutes instead! Slow Cooker Keto Pumpkin Cheesecake this post may containRead More →

Keto and Cancer

I have always loved baking! There is something wholesome and fun about making delicious treats in the kitchen and sharing them with your family. Plus, it makes the house smell divine and who doesn’t love that? This love of baking didn’t vanish when we started eating Keto, but the way we went about it did! The most popular keto flour substitutions are Almond and Coconut flours and while they work quite well they do require a little bit of practice and getting used too. Keto baked goods can be delicious for the whole family. There is no reason that you have to give up allRead More →

keto sweeteners

My husband and I started this Keto journey about 2 years ago now and I’m not lying when I say it’s changed our lives for the better. Keto was a drastic change to our lifestyles but a much-needed one that turned our health around for the better and allowed us to enjoy activities like running and hiking that our previous physical condition made difficult. However, it wasn’t without it’s learning curve. Starting Keto can be confusing, not only because there are different types of keto with vastly different rules but because all of us are different and what works for one person might not workRead More →

Traveling on Keto

Summer is a time for fun but if you’re still adjusting to a new lifestyle it can bring a few challenges too! I have to say that compared to many diets I have tried in the past, Keto is by far the easiest for me to stick with both inside and outside of my home. Traveling on Keto was stressful the first few times but now I don’t even think about it. Keto is filled with so many options when it comes to eating out that it’s likely you’ll be able to find something suitable no matter where you go! That said I know itRead More →

Keto Krate May box. A review.

When you start a new way of eating, especially an entire diet change like Keto it can be hard to find snacks. While many diets simply cut out the snacks completely I have never found those to be sustainable long term. Somedays you just want to snack! If you don’t have appropriate snacks on hand then you tend to grab whatever is handy and sometimes those aren’t the greatest choices! This Keto Krate review is here to give you another option. While I have learned to cook a variety of keto desserts and snack foods once in a while it’s nice to try something newRead More →

Is Keto Hard to stick to?

When my husband came home and told me about wanting to start Keto I thought he was crazy. Surely there were better ways to get healthy! I had no idea how much it would change my life. Keto might not have been directly responsible for some of these changes but it was definitely the starting point and deserves a lot of credit. Being successful with Keto gave me the confidence to try other life changes I had previously thought impossible. Eating this way made me feel better in general but it also made me realize that I was strong enough to follow through with otherRead More →