should runners be strength training? #running #weights #exercise #fitness #healthy #healthylife #activelife

Lots of people love going to the gym, others dislike it but put up with it because they know it’s good for them in the long run. But, for some people, the thought of going to the gym is a special brand of torture – and often it’s not due to the workout! For a lot of people social anxiety, self-consciousness and worries about looking silly when unfamiliar with the equipment keep them from joining a gym. Thankfully home workout ideas like the ones below offer a good way for people afraid of the gym to stay healthy and keep active! While joining a gymRead More →

Leg Exercises for Runners

If you’re like a lot of runners, especially those just getting started, then you might think that running in itself is enough of a leg workout.  I can certainly understand why many of us think so, those first few weeks of running will give you enough aches to make you believe it! But you might want to rethink this idea if you want to keep running injury free! Leg exercises for runners are an essential part of training if you want to add miles without injuries. Not everyone has access to a gym and expensive equipment (me included). So, with that in mind, I have kept thisRead More →

A couple of months ago I decided to add some strength training to my running routine. Originally I intended to write this conclusion post after 30 days. When I reached the third week, however, I knew this was something that needed a bit more time. Strength training seems to be something that takes a little while before you start seeing any sort of results (other than being sore!) It took me most of the first month just to get the routines and forms down. But! After two months, I’m happy to say I can come back with actual measurable results and my opinion on ifRead More →

should runners be strength training? #running #weights #exercise #fitness #healthy #healthylife #activelife

Strength training is something that I have been neglecting but as I progress with running it’s also something that has started entering my mind more and more. Should runners be strength training? Honestly, after doing some research it seems like we should be. Although some runners shy away from the prospect of strength training, afraid that too much bulky muscle might slow them down this is probably more of a myth than reality. It would be extremely difficult for a long distance runner to become muscle bound enough that it affected their running. I admit that I have always been slightly against the idea ofRead More →