It might be cold outside but that doesn’t mean your outdoor adventures have to stop! Staying active year-round is good for everyone in the family, including your furry friend! Just like you have to bundle up for the winter weather there might be days where your dog needs a bit of extra protection as well but as long as you keep this in mind there is no reason that you should stop having fun or refrain from taking your dog with you on a Northern adventure. Enjoying winter activities with your dog can be a lot of fun and a great way to motivate yourselfRead More →

cross training for runners

When you start to love an activity it can be hard to do anything BUT that activity. Running is no exception to this rule! Although I would have considered myself crazy a few years ago running has become an activity I truly love, despite the challenges. It’s an important and well-loved part of my life which keeps not only me but my family and pets healthy too! Cross training for runners used to be a controversial topic. Many trainers felt that people should focus all of their energy on one singular activity. Cross training was often considered pointless and a waste of time. More currentRead More →

run safe with these 5 tips

Running is a hobby that I have grown to love. Not only is it great exercise but there is something very relaxing about being out on the road. It gives me time to clear my head and work through anything that might be troubling me. But it also tends to be an activity that I do alone and sometimes that causes a bit of worry. It’s not something that I want to worry about but realistically I am a small person with very little options in the way of self-defense. Of course, it’s not just other peopleĀ I need to worry about but cars and strayRead More →