As predicted this has been a slower month here on the homestead. Some months are just destined to be busier then others it seems like! That’s just the nature of homesteading today. With fall in the picture and the weather quickly turning cooler some activities are on the back burner. It’s unlikely that we will be adding any more livestock to the farm until spring, with the exception of raising some more quail and perhaps bringing a nice buck into our rabbit program. This is probably a good thing since the fall season also bring with it a lot of holiday fun. I love theRead More →

Several years ago I started raising backyard chickens so that my family could enjoy fresh eggs. The benefits of having a readily available source of good nutritious food has certainly proved itself worthwhile! No matter what happens at the grocery store I know I can count on the ladies and their eggs to feed us! In the past while raising baby chicks we were only able to raise four at a time due to space restrictions. Now that we have moved to a larger property it’s time to expand the flock! Homesteading with chickens is a great way to get our feet wet with thisRead More →

Every dog owner wants to keep their dog’s safe! Pets are a part of the family and all of us have suffered a few scary moments here and there when it comes to our furry companions. Perhaps your dog charged out the door once, jerked the leash out of your hand or somehow managed to escape a yard that you thought was fully secure. Regardless of the reason your dog got loose, knowing that you have the ability to find them quickly gives you some peace of mind! The Fi GPS Collar can be a great tool for owners and their dogs during scary situations.Read More →