This was supposed to be a one month challenge but the world decided to upend every routine we had and so here we are two months later with our cleaning routine results! While we are all still adjusting to this social distancing lifestyle (I really miss my Dollar store trips and crafts!) and the kids being home until the next school year starts, I have made some strides when it comes to sticking to my cleaning routine. Is it perfect? Not yet… but it’s getting there and I feel confident enough to make this post. Cleaning Routine Results, Getting Organized This post may contain affiliateRead More →

Easter is quickly approaching and I think we can all use a bit of hoppy fun this year! While you might not be able to take the kids to any local egg hunts there are plenty of fun crafts, treats, and projects that you can do at home! Whenever possible I highly suggest ordering the supplies for these online and if you do need to make a trip to the store, please make sure that you follow all the recommended CDC guidelines to help keep you, your family and those around you safe! Easter Round-up, Some Idea’s to Keep You Hopping This post may containRead More →

Building self-esteem can be challenging. When you’re a young child you have many people encouraging you as you learn new skills and (hopefully) looking out for you as you figure things out. It’s not until we get older, venture out in the world and have to deal with negative social interactions like bullying and are faced with more serious consequences to our failures – like losing out on a job, or failing a course in school, that many of us start to doubt ourselves and our abilities. Creating self-esteem as an adult can be a special challenge because we tend to get caught up inRead More →

Getting a new job can be a wonderful and exciting time for a family! Often new jobs and new careers come with the promise of increased pay or opportunities for future growth that can make a large difference in your future. You should celebrate the changes to come but it’s also completely normal to be a bit nervous about the challenges that moving for work can bring with it. This is especially true if the job transfer happens to be a long-distance move with family and pets involved. Navigating a move can be difficult at the best of times. Finding the time to pack allRead More →

Most of us have first aid kits at home – or at the very least a slightly disorganized medicine cabinet with the basics! Especially if you have kids! Band-aids, thermometers and antibiotic creams seem to find their way into your cabinets on a regular basis because let’s face it … kids are accident-prone! Our pets might not suffer from skinned knees and small bumps quite as often but they still manage to find ways to hurt themselves now and then and being prepared with a pet based home emergency kit can really come in handy when those moments present themselves. While a first aid kitRead More →

It’s easy to let some chores slip through the cracks. Life gets busy and even mandatory tasks like laundry and dishes can sometimes seem a bit overwhelming! While recently trying to keep up with these day-to-day chores thanks to the use of a cleaning schedule it’s come to my attention that there is a whole host of other tasks that should be seen to. These yearly home maintenance tasks are easy to forget about because they happen less often but are no less important in the grand scheme of things! Catching problems early, before they escalate further can save you from a lot of heartache,Read More →

The decision has been made – you’re ready, the kids are aware, and it’s time to book the flights. You are moving abroad and leaving everything behind. It shouldn’t be as overwhelming as people say. Moving abroad should be something of an adventure, and when you get it right, your big move is going to be the best thing that you and your children have ever done. Moving your family is going to be a big deal. So, let’s check out some of the essential tips you need before you get your family packed and moving. Tips For Moving Your Family Abroad This is aRead More →

It’s no secret that running is an activity that requires a good bit of motivation – especially in the beginning and your fitness levels might mean you find yourself struggling . While this struggle tends to get better over time there are more than a few tricks to keep you going when the weather is bad or your just not feeling it! Running playlists can be a simple but highly motivating way to get your feet moving and make you feel great while you’re doing it! Running Playlists, What Music is Best for Running? This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchaseRead More →

Do cleaning routines work

I have been a stay at home mom for many years now and you would think that means I’d have this whole housework thing down by now! Sadly, keeping up with the housework is something I continue to struggle with and have for as long as I can remember. As a child and teenager, my room was a disaster. My locker at school? well…we nicknamed it ‘The Abyss’. Things went into those places and oftentimes, they never came out! While my house doesn’t reach that level of chaos I am well aware it could be better! The counters are cluttery, the laundry sometimes doesn’t getRead More →

Valentine's Day gift guide unicorns

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner but I know some of you are still struggling for inspiration! Last-minute ideas don’t have to be stressful o terrible. In fact, with a bit of inspiration (which you’ll get thanks to this Valentine’s Day Inspiration Round-up!) will have you off and running in no time! Get ready to have a great Valentine’s day with you and your family! Click the titles below to see the full recipes and tutorials! Valentine’s Day Inspiration Round-up This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking one of the links I may receive a small commission atRead More →