Christmas Decorations set up following our Family Christmas Traditions

Family Christmas traditions are so interesting. I didn’t really think about it until I was married and had children of my own. Growing up my family celebrated Christmas, in the same way, every year, there were small traditions and larger ones but that’s just the way it was done! When I got married, however, it soon became apparent that my husband had grown up with different traditions and thoughts about the holidays. We had to learn how to blend our family traditions and once we had kids we found ourselves creating our own little way of doing things. When our children grow older and start theirRead More →

dealing with holiday stress

There is no getting around the fact that this is a crazy time of year. While summer can be hectic with the kids home from school there is nothing quite like the endless parade of holiday’s that show up when they go back. Between Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and Valentine’s Day it can start to feel like the world just got a little bit too busy a little bit too quickly. Dealing with holiday stress can be a challenge for all of us! Don’t get me wrong – I love the holidays! I love the cheerful fun decorations, the spirit surrounding them and theRead More →

review of the renaissance resort at world golf village

I can’t remember the last time that our family got to go on a real deal vacation! For the most part, we fill our summers with day trips and local attractions. There are many fun memories to be made, but a part of me has always wanted to see something new. Thanks to the wonderful Marriot rewards program and the points my husband has managed to accumulate while traveling for work, we were able to stay at this beautiful resort. I couldn’t have imagined a nicer getaway. I knew as soon as we left that I had to do a review of the Renaissance ResortRead More →

A Succulent plant in a green pot Planted in honor of St Patrick's day.

St Patrick’s day is often a day celebrated with parades, festivals, wearing green and (if you’re lucky) some traditional Irish music. Although no one in my family is of Irish Heritage I still find it fun to do a little something for the holiday. Since the holiday coincides so nicely with Spring it was decided that we would ‘Plant Something Green’ this St Patrick’s Day. Although this might be slightly untraditional, I like plants. Plants are good for your home, your health, and the planet. Growing something to celebrate a holiday seem’s like a great option to me! Plus they fit the whole ‘Green’ themeRead More →