I love to let my birds roam the property but there are times when they need to be contained. This might be because we are introducing some new birds to the flock, I’m trying to keep them out of a certain area (like my garden), or because a few of them have been misbehaving. If you read our last homesteading update you might have seen that our ducks have been being a little bratty. They have started to explore a bit closer to the road than I like and no matter how many times I herd them back they keep trying. Enter portable poultry fencing,Read More →

It’s crazy how fast January has flown by! It seems like just yesterday that I was planning and hoping for the new year and here we are, already almost one month through it! It’s been cool and rainy here on the homestead so homesteading in the new year has been a somewhat messy affair so far and I think we are all looking forward to some warmer weather (and then we’ll probably complain about the heat but that’s just the way it goes!). Despite the rain and mud, we have managed to get a few things done around here – and we’ve made a lotRead More →