Most of us have first aid kits at home – or at the very least a slightly disorganized medicine cabinet with the basics! Especially if you have kids! Band-aids, thermometers and antibiotic creams seem to find their way into your cabinets on a regular basis because let’s face it … kids are accident-prone! Our pets might not suffer from skinned knees and small bumps quite as often but they still manage to find ways to hurt themselves now and then and being prepared with a pet based home emergency kit can really come in handy when those moments present themselves. While a first aid kitRead More →

emergency preparation for famlies

  Being prepared for an emergency isn’t just for preppers in today’s world. Everything in our lives is so convenient that it is easy to forget how quickly one small thing could make it all very troublesome. My family and I were recently reminded of this when the local water tank exploded due to a faulty pressure valve. The entire neighborhood was without water from 8 pm one night until nearly 10 pm the next night. A day without water might not register as a full-blown emergency but it certainly made our lives somewhat difficult, I was melting ice cubes from the freezer to waterRead More →