Speed workouts are important for runners

There’s no way around it, speed workouts are important! When I first started running I didn’t pay much attention to formal training plans or specific workouts. I just wanted to run around the block without passing out. It might not have been much of a goal but at the time it felt pretty monumental! Now that my running habit has progressed from ‘let’s just get healthier‘ to ‘I really love this! Let’s break some personal records’ I’ve started to focus on improving! And truthfully if I had known some of the information I know now I would have started incorporating speed workouts into my trainingRead More →

running shoes

With most sports the more serious you get about your performance the more complicated your training gets. Running is no exception to this.  When we first took up running as a part of our overall lifestyle change our goals were simple – be able to run around the block, complete a 5k. Seemed easy enough right? It was and it wasn’t! There were challenges to face. I had to learn about running with asthma, there were injuries to overcome and we both learned about the importance of a good pair of shoes! But, that was nothing compared to what we had to learn when weRead More →

Marathon Training, the journey of a first timer

Running was a hobby that my husband and I started over a year ago. At first, it was a simple way to get active after we decided to change our lifestyles. For the sake of our children, we knew that we could not continue down our previous path. We were unhealthy and that wasn’t the sort of example we wanted to set for our children.  Of course, we had no idea the journey this decision would take us on! Although I am still content to train for a faster 5k time my husband has moved on. After a half marathon last fall he has setRead More →

Should I Get a Fitness Tracker?

Running is a hobby you can enjoy with pretty small startup costs – some good shoes to prevent injury and you’re good to go! Technically you don’t need to track anything while you run and sometimes just running for the love of it is worthwhile. At some point, you’ll probably want to start measuring your progress and working towards some running goals. When I first started running I was happy to use my phone and the multiple free applications available to do this. But the farther I ran and the more involved I got with the sport the more information I wanted. It won’t beRead More →

Leg Exercises for Runners

If you’re like a lot of runners, especially those just getting started, then you might think that running in itself is enough of a leg workout.  I can certainly understand why many of us think so, those first few weeks of running will give you enough aches to make you believe it! But you might want to rethink this idea if you want to keep running injury free! Leg exercises for runners are an essential part of training if you want to add miles without injuries. Not everyone has access to a gym and expensive equipment (me included). So, with that in mind, I have kept thisRead More →

cross training for runners

When you start to love an activity it can be hard to do anything BUT that activity. Running is no exception to this rule! Although I would have considered myself crazy a few years ago running has become an activity I truly love, despite the challenges. It’s an important and well-loved part of my life which keeps not only me but my family and pets healthy too! Cross training for runners used to be a controversial topic. Many trainers felt that people should focus all of their energy on one singular activity. Cross training was often considered pointless and a waste of time. More currentRead More →

Top 5 Reasons to start running in the New Year, trail running picture

With New Year’s approaching a lot of people are starting to consider changes to their lifestyles. While there’s no bad time to start living a healthy lifestyle or consider a healthier way of eating the tradition of creating New Year’s resolutions seems to create a general uptick in these changes. While my family and I started Keto and hiking/running before New Year’s last year, I did make continuing this lifestyle one of my resolutions. I’m pretty happy to say I have kept up with that goal and as a result, I have felt better about myself this past year than I ever have before. IfRead More →

gifts for runners a cristmas gift guide

I don’t know about you but I always find it easier to shop for people with well-defined hobbies. Friends and family who are into art get art supplies. Those who enjoy spending time in the kitchen get cooking gadgets. Shopping for people without hobbies are my most challenging Christmas hunts! However, I also have trouble if the hobby is unfamiliar to me. I have no clue what to get someone who is interested in fishing for instance. Other than a gift card and while I love gift cards – sometimes you want something more personal. If you have a runner in your inner circle then hopefullyRead More →

A couple of months ago I decided to add some strength training to my running routine. Originally I intended to write this conclusion post after 30 days. When I reached the third week, however, I knew this was something that needed a bit more time. Strength training seems to be something that takes a little while before you start seeing any sort of results (other than being sore!) It took me most of the first month just to get the routines and forms down. But! After two months, I’m happy to say I can come back with actual measurable results and my opinion on ifRead More →

It was bound to happen eventually! No matter how careful you are and no matter what sport you choose to take part in being active always carries the risk of injury. That said, I think the health benefits of being active far outweigh the risk. Being fit and active might mean I have to deal with the occasional angry muscles or joint but I will take that over the deteriorating long-lasting effects of a more sedentary lifestyle any day! In my case, the injury that chose to plague me is Peroneal Tendonitis and if I am honest I brought it on myself. Running after peronealRead More →