I don’t know about you guys but around here my morning cup of coffee pretty much dictates how the rest of the day is going to go! Nothing like waking up at 5:45 in the morning to feed the critters and finding out that someone used the last of the heavy whipping cream the night before. I’m looking at you kids with your fancy late-night hot chocolate! It’s also disappointing to find out that there is no more good coffee left and there is a pretty big difference between the ‘good’ coffee and the emergency tub of coffee that’s been in the back of theRead More →

dollar store halloween vase header

I love Halloween! For as long as I can remember Halloween has been my favorite holiday. I mean, I love Christmas too but there’s something about being able to dress up and become whatever you want for one day that’s extra fun. Coming up with a costume and then going out trick or treating was pretty much the highlight of my year growing up. Plus candy, when your a kid the allure of candy is hard to resist! Of course this year things are a little bit different and while our community hasn’t outright banned Trick or Treating yet, I just don’t see how IRead More →