We recently went to visit a T-Rex Planet animatronic dinosaur show in our home city. I heard about these shows several times in the past but they were always too far away for us to enjoy. When I was alerted to this one I just couldn’t pass it up – especially since our youngest had recently gone through a Dino-loving phase and my oldest has been obsessed with a dinosaur based survival game. Is it worth the money? The T-rex Planet dinosaur show can seem a little bit pricey for families, especially if you have more than one child. At a cost of $25 dollarsRead More →

Getting kids to read can be a challenge. When my oldest started school she wanted nothing to do with it. I wasn’t sure why, both her father and I are big readers.  From the time she was an infant her room was filled with kid’s books. Books that were religiously read to her every night at bedtime. She seemed to enjoy it, often asking for just one more before bed. But, when it came time for her to learn how to read on her own there was no interest. At least not until Video Games helped my child discover the joy of reading. Here’s howRead More →

Earth day is one of my favorite days of the year. A whole day where people are filled with thoughts of nature and the wonder of our world. It is a day that should be repeated several times throughout the year in my opinion.  Even better, taking care of our world should just be commonplace in and of itself. It is certainly a value that I have tried to instill in my own children and today’s Earth Day fun was a great excuse for some family bonding time. This post may contain affiliate links which means I will receive a commission if you make a purchaseRead More →

Our family spends a lot of time together. I can probably count on one hand the number of times my husband and I have been without the kids. However, I can’t deny that I get to spend more time with them then he does. Since I am a stay at home mom I get to spend all day with them in the summers and on holidays while my husband works. By necessity, he sometimes misses out on fun activities and special moments. I try to capture it on video or in photos, but it’s not really the same. It’s a sacrifice he makes to supportRead More →

Easter fun

When it comes to Easter, our family tends to keep things simple. We don’t go all out on a big fancy dinner or spend a fortune on gifts. Easter fun for our family is more about spending time together then spending money. While I enjoy the large-scale celebrations of the other holidays sometime’s it’s nice to have a simple holiday to look forward to. A holiday that is low key and stress-free with plenty of family fun and quality time. Easter celebrations in our family start the day before with Egg dyeing. Dyeing eggs can be messy, especially with young kids who don’t have theRead More →