Home Improvement Goals for 2019, It’s Never to Early to Plan!

home improvment goals for 2019, sunset on the backyard

The end of the year is closing in and I have decided to set some home improvement goals for 2019! It’s pretty crazy how fast 2018 went by! We managed to get a lot done this year as a family. Both in our personal lives and in our home. In 2018 we managed to stick with our keto eating plan, explored yoga and strength training and fell in love with running. We also replaced our terrible carpets with new laminate flooring and repainted several rooms in the house. I even got around to finally creating that family photo wall I have been thinking about for ages!

Overall it was a pretty good year but it went by so fast! That seems to be the way it goes lately. The older the kids get the busier life becomes and the faster time flies. It’s not always a bad thing but it did leave me thinking, how much more could we have accomplished with a little bit of planning? I have seen a lot of bloggers writing monthly goal posts lately and I always enjoy reading them. Bullet journaling and planning have left me with a great deal of respect for the power of things that are written down. Rather then a monthly goal list I decided to look farther ahead and plan out some long-term home improvement goals for 2019.

Home Improvement Goals for 2019, It’s Never to Early to Plan!

home improvement goals for 2019

I was compensated for creating this content but all opinions shared are completely my own! this post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking on one of my links I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you! 

As far as I’m concerned it’s never to early to start planning! Especially when it comes to larger projects such as home improvement. Planning now means that I can save for the more expensive things slowly while picking up some of the smaller projects when we can fit them in. Will we get all of these projects completed? It’s hard to say, but I know that there’s a better chance of getting most of them done if I commit to them now instead of just ‘thinking about it’ for the rest of the year!

Improve the Kitchen

Guy Gunter Home kitchens
Photo Courtesy of Guy Gunter Home

When we replaced the tile flooring in the kitchen with laminate this summer it became apparent that the rest of the room could use a make-over. Especially when you start looking for inspiration and find so many lovely ideas from showrooms like those found at the Guy Gunter Home. If you are looking for inspiration and great products when it comes to improving your kitchen, bathroom or outdoor spaces then you really can’t go wrong with a company whose goal is to help you express your own unique passions when designing your dream home.

Many of these companies, including the Guy Gunter Home, are full service! Not only will they help you pick the best options for your budget and style but they will ensure that everything is professionally installed and working properly too. This is great if you’re not a complete DIY master quite yet! We have a bit of saving to do before we replace our major kitchen appliances, but I know I have my eye on a few!

Home improvement Goals for 2019 – Kitchen

  • New Paint!  – This should be a fairly easy goal to achieve. The kitchen is one of the last rooms in the house we need to paint. The only difficulty will be finally settling on a color. In all honesty, this has been holding up the kitchen re-do for a while now. I am waffling between a sage green or a more neutral grey or tan. If I get really motivated I might even try painting the shelves.
  • Countertops – I highly doubt I will be able to justify entirely new countertops this year (maybe next year!) But! I do plan on fixing them up a little bit. I found a nice little evaluation of using contact paper to hide ugly countertops a while back and that’s probably the direction I will go!
  • Save For a new Fridge – Last year was the year of the dishwasher. This year will be the year of the fridge. Our current fridge is annoying, at least when it comes to freezer space and an upgrade will be most welcome. Next year we will work on the stove!

Improve the Front Garden

Home Improvement goals for 2019, DIy fish pond we put in a few years ago

When we first moved into this house we removed a whole lot of rocks and some really ugly bushes from the front garden. We added a cute little fish pond (which I still love) and some rose bushes. Then I ordered some ground cover flowers – they were supposed to only grow 4 inches tall or so but these mutant flowers grew three feet tall! They were pretty so I left them alone but now they reseed themselves every year and the roses have gotten completely out of hand even with pruning. Our front garden looks like a riot of color and insanity in the summer. It’s pretty but a pain to deal with. I really think its time for a bit of a change.

Home improvement Goals for 2019 – Front Garden

  • Weed Matting – I feel like this would help significantly when it comes to future upkeep. Once all the old plants are pulled up a layer of weed matting is a necessity.
  • Replace rose bushes and mutant flowers – I am not sure if I want perennials or potted plants. I have seen some really nice container gardens in the neighborhood lately.  I must admit they draw the eye. Something that doesn’t require a lot of pruning or work every year is the ultimate goal!
  • Mulch – We laid down some red mulch one year and really liked the look of it. I like mulch better than rocks. While it will have to be replaced every so often I think the look is worth it.
  • Remove Dead Tree – One of our trees did not survive last winter. We probably should have had it removed already but…life. It definitely needs to go before the next hurricane season as it will soon dry out and prove to be a hazard.

The Rest of the House

There are a few other spots in the house which need a bit of work. I would love to redo the girl’s rooms as both of them are outgrowing their current designs. The exterior of the house could probably use a new coat of paint as well! A master bedroom overhaul is a dream but probably not a necessity.

While I would love to complete all of these items in the coming year I also know that I have to be realistic. I think writing down these goals and concentrating on the garden and kitchen for 2019 is the best course of action. If anything else gets done then I will consider it a bonus for the year!

home improvement goals for 2019

What are your Home Improvement Goals for 2019?

Home Improvement goals for 2019! #Goals #2019 #homeimprovement #homedecor #DIY < />
Home Improvement goals for 2019! #Goals #2019 #homeimprovement #homedecor #DIY < />



  1. I’m on a home improvement kick at the moment too. I spent all day yesterday moving our bedrooms about and moving my office into a larger room. Now I have to decorate and accent. We rent our house so can’t do major changes but we can paint and paper etc and just make it more homely.

    1. Author

      A fresh coat and color of paint can be the best! It’s crazy how much even such an easy change can completely change the feel and mood of a particular room!

  2. These are some great home improvement goals. I haven’t given a lot of thought about what home improvement projects we will tackle next year, but one that needs to happen is new carpet and trim in our bedroom.

    1. Author

      I just started thinking about it honestly. I mean I had some vague ideas but I know if I start planning them now I am 1000% more likely to actually work on them haha.

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