How Mother’s Day is celebrated seems to vary widely between families! For most it’s not a major holiday, we don’t spend months planning for it or decorate our houses top to bottom as we do for Halloween or Christmas. But that doesn’t mean it has to go by unnoticed either! While families with older children might opt for a nice dinner out and some people are content with flowers and a card I have found my favorite Mother’s Day activities usually involve just spending some quality time with my kids.
They are, after all, the entire reason I get to celebrate Mother’s Day as something more than a gift giver. I have found that my kids and I get far more joy creating these memories together then we do from storebought gifts. Although I generally don’t complain about some flowers either way! If you’re stuck for some ideas then this article should help you out!
Mother’s Day Activities with Kids

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Make Some Art Together
Last year my kids brought home a painting they did for me at school. I absolutely adore them and it gave me the idea for something similar for Father’s Day.
It’s amazing to receive gifts of artwork but it would also be fun to create some art together. You can explore fun but messy options like pour painting if your not artistically inclined, or buy a big canvas and work on a piece together. If your kid isn’t so great at sharing I have seen small canvas boards show up at my local Dollar Tree lately!
I highly suggest using acrylics for any painting. While I typically prefer oil painting, acrylics dry faster, are cheaper to buy and clean up with nothing but water. If you don’t want to paint there is also some fun to be had with chalk art outside or clay molding! use your imagination and don’t be afraid to get a little bit messy! It’s all in the name of memories!

Grow Something Together
Since Mother’s Day happens in the spring it’s the perfect time of year to grow and plant things. Mother’s Day activities like this play double duty. You get to spend time with your kids making something beautiful and also teach them the value of caring for a living bit of nature.
This is my activity of choice this year. Since planting my Fairy Garden last spring the succulents have grown absolutely crazy! They have babies popping up everywhere and need a bit of thinning out! This works out perfectly since I recently picked up some really cute planters from the Dollar Tree. I plan on spending the day with the kids creating cute little succulent planters for each of us!
Succulents are a pretty good choice for them to keep in their rooms since caring for them is fairly simple and if they forget to water them for a little while they’ll probably survive! However, you could also spend the day planning a vegetable garden, planting some flower boxes for the front porch and even creating an herb garden for your window!

Bake Something Together
I mean who doesn’t love baking? Even though my husband and I follow a Keto way of eating now we still enjoy our treats! My kids’s don’t really care if their cookies are keto friendly or not and including them in the baking process can be a lot of fun!
Baking with kids can be messy and sometimes they come up with some weird ideas (marshmallows in tea anyone?) but it’s also a good chance to teach them some important life skills and you get to sit down and eat what you make afterward. How can that possibly be a bad thing!?!

Go Outside Together
When was the last time you chased bubbles, jumped rope, played trucks in the sandbox or got on a swing? For most of us, it’s probably been quite a while! There is something to be said about revisiting those childhood activities with your own kids.
This is great options for mother’s day activities if your family happens to be running on a tight budget. You can hit up a local park or just hang out in your back yard. Become a kid for a day and enjoy all the silliness that comes from it!

We treat Mother’s Day like every other day of the year. I think the only thing that happens is that I don’t cook dinner, but otherwise it’s just another day here. I do think it’s great that some families fully embrace the day and make it special for mom
That fairy garden is so sweet, I love succulents and what a different idea! I think just spending the day outside together can be nice and nothing extravagant has to be done to show appreciation!
So true! I find a lot of these days don’t have to be big events or cost a lot of money, just spending time together is the real treat!
I love the idea of there being so much hands-on fun, something that seems to be lacking in our digital society. I spent Mother’s Day performing a concert with our local community band that was dedicated to Moms (all moms in the audience were given a flower as part of the day).
Aww that sounds like a really excellent way to spend Mother’s Day too! I love live music!