Wire wrapped Jewelry Tree

It’s recently come to my attention that I have too much jewelry and not enough places to put it. A real problem right? I thought about getting a Jewelry Box but that seemed dull and overdone. I wanted something different. While browsing Pinterest I noticed a few wire-wrapped trees. People were using them for decoration or as earring holders. It didn’t look too difficult. I figured I could easily make a Jewelry Tree of my own design and I wasn’t disappointed, turns out the Dollar Tree had everything I needed. I will admit, at first, my ‘tree’ wasn’t very impressive. It was gangly and kind ofRead More →

DIY dollar store spring wreath

I have always loved the wreaths I find in stores. The thought of having such a fun and seasonal decoration to greet visitors when they come to my house was endearing. Unfortunately, the price of these wreaths was not nearly so appealing. So, with some inspiration from a fellow blogger and a bit of research on Pinterest I set about to create a Dollar Store spring wreath as this months craft project. I think I am in love with this project. Not only because it makes my door so fun and colorful but because of the endless options there are in making it. Because ofRead More →