Life is full of surprises, some of them are amazing and some of them are challenging. Becoming a Grandma is firmly in my amazing category but there are definitely a few things I’ve learned in the last few months that highlight the differences between being a parent and being a grandparent. I fully expect this journey to be a roller coaster of epic proportions! Here are just a few things I’ve learned so far! 5 Things I’ve Learned Since becoming a Grandma Baby’s are a LOT of Work You would think since I still have young kids of my own that I would have rememberedRead More →

Traveling with Kids,

With spring here and summer fast approaching car trips are looming on the horizon for a lot of families. While our family doesn’t take many long vacations we do head off on a lot of day trips! The beach, the zoo, hiking, visiting family and friends who live farther away. You name it and we tend to try and pack it into a summer road trip. It didn’t take us long as a young family to learn that traveling with kids can be a challenge! Kids get bored, have accidents and seem to be bottomless pits when it comes to food. All of these thingsRead More →

Getting into the Christmas Spirit with Netflix

I love Christmas! I love the decorations, the crafts and the act of giving gifts. Most importantly, however, I love seeing my kids as they get more and more excited about the approaching holiday. Every family has their own traditions and yearly adventures when it comes to Christmas. For my family, a large part of the season revolves around watching Christmas movies. We love getting into the Christmas Spirit by watching the various tales, both new and old. It’s a great excuse for cozy blankets, hot chocolate and family bonding time. Since our family unplugged from cable a few years ago we have been dependantRead More →