Winter in Georgia is not the worst weather I have dealt with in my life but it can get pretty bitter some days and the wild temperature swings can be rough on everyone. This season has been a touch crazy, it was 70 degrees the week of Christmas and then dropped into the 30’s over the span of two days. Since then it’s been staying pretty steady which is fine – it’s cold but it’s always better when everyone can adjust to one temperature rather than the random ups and downs. I’ve had to break ice out of the water troughs a few times andRead More →

It’s officially Fall here on the homestead and with the cooler temperatures, it’s the perfect time to start working on some outdoor projects. It’s also the time to start planning for Spring, which seems a bit crazy but chicks hatched now will be laying by early spring and the lack of demand for fertile eggs makes this the perfect time to hatch out chicks that I can keep for my own breeding programs or sell as started pullets later on. Fall is the perfect time to start all the background work necessary for spring projects. Since last year was a learning and growing year forRead More →

Fresh air, peaceful lifestyles, and inherent exercise benefits are just a few of the reasons why homesteading can be great from a health perspective. Unfortunately, it’s also essential to remember that a homestead isn’t altogether risk-free. In fact, whether you’re operating heavy machinery or attempting to manage surprisingly hefty cattle, keeping your wits about you is essential for avoiding injury or other escalating issues.  Of course, understanding your machinery and animals should offset these risks for the most part, but in some cases, you may find that homestead health also requires some more proactive safety steps, the most pressing of which we’re going to discussRead More →

Warmer weather and a break from the rain made the last two months a lot more enjoyable than February and January! Homesteading in March and April was our first look at how spring would treat us and let me tell you the spring rush is real. The woods around the house are coming back to life and with that has come a million and one projects we need to work on. It’s exciting and I have to admit I kind of love it! At the very least I like being able to do chores in the morning without freezing! Here is what we’ve done inRead More →

I love to let my birds roam the property but there are times when they need to be contained. This might be because we are introducing some new birds to the flock, I’m trying to keep them out of a certain area (like my garden), or because a few of them have been misbehaving. If you read our last homesteading update you might have seen that our ducks have been being a little bratty. They have started to explore a bit closer to the road than I like and no matter how many times I herd them back they keep trying. Enter portable poultry fencing,Read More →

It’s crazy how fast January has flown by! It seems like just yesterday that I was planning and hoping for the new year and here we are, already almost one month through it! It’s been cool and rainy here on the homestead so homesteading in the new year has been a somewhat messy affair so far and I think we are all looking forward to some warmer weather (and then we’ll probably complain about the heat but that’s just the way it goes!). Despite the rain and mud, we have managed to get a few things done around here – and we’ve made a lotRead More →

Sausage! It’s perfect for breakfast, for dinner and everything in between! We love sausage when it’s roasted with cabbage and of course, it’s amazing with all the fresh eggs we get from our chickens. Making homemade venison sausage seemed like a logical step to take when we started homesteading. It’s just as delicious as the venison jerky we shared earlier but does require a bit more work. Trust me, it’s worth it! *Note – This recipe is for non-smoked sausage although we add some smoke flavor they do have to be cooked thoroughly before eating. Homemade Venison Sausage This post may contain affiliate links. IfRead More →