Keto Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

When I was little my mother used to make strawberry and rhubarb pies pretty religiously. Rhubarb grew very well back home so it was always available and while it’s somewhat harder to find where I live now the low carb and the relatively high fiber content of this tart-tasting vegetable makes it an excellent Keto treat. After creating this Keto strawberry rhubarb pie I can say without a doubt that it’s worth the search! And of course, we have always loved strawberries around here! When making this recipe I always try to find fresh rhubarb but if that’s unavailable the frozen diced stalks work justRead More →

Keto Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries

I love strawberry cheesecake and so does my family! But, sometimes there’s just not enough time to bake. Let’s face it cheesecakes are delicious but time-consuming and sometimes I want something that easier to share. Regardless of my reasons these Keto cheesecake stuffed strawberries are always a crowd pleaser. They are perfect for parties or family get-togethers, even our non-keto friends love them! But you can’t really go wrong with strawberries and cheesecake now can you? For this recipe, I used a new sweetener. Splenda reached out to me on twitter after seeing our Creme Brulee recipe and offered to send me some samples ofRead More →