should runners be strength training? #running #weights #exercise #fitness #healthy #healthylife #activelife

Lots of people love going to the gym, others dislike it but put up with it because they know it’s good for them in the long run. But, for some people, the thought of going to the gym is a special brand of torture – and often it’s not due to the workout! For a lot of people social anxiety, self-consciousness and worries about looking silly when unfamiliar with the equipment keep them from joining a gym. Thankfully home workout ideas like the ones below offer a good way for people afraid of the gym to stay healthy and keep active! While joining a gymRead More →

Types of Yoga

While I do my yoga in the comfort of my own home (Doggy partner optional but highly recommended for some laughs) I have looked into joining a class once or twice. It seemed like it might be a good idea to get at least a little bit of help with some of the forms! However, I was always a bit stumped when I found out that ‘yoga’ was basically a catch-all phrase for a lot of very different types of exercise. In the end, I just kept following my FabFitFun TV & youtube yoga for beginners and yoga for runner videos but someday I wouldn’t mind signingRead More →

I started yoga as an experiment to see if it would improve my running. As I researched and learned more about the practice I was surprised to learn of all the benefits. I was also surprised by how hard some of the poses were! I was quickly alerted to just how weak my upper body was. My legs have benefited from running but my arms? They are still a work in progress! I can’t yet accomplish the harder poses so here is a collection of 5 upper body yoga poses that even beginners with weak arms (like me!) can achieve. This post may contain affiliateRead More →

lower body yoga poses for runners

I first started Yoga as an experiment. I heard many people talk about yoga’s benefits to mind and body but it wasn’t until I started running that I looked into it seriously. Yoga has turned out to be one of my favorite forms of cross training. It also works wonders for that after running muscle tightness! Every runner I know likes a faster recovery time between runs and these lower body yoga poses are sure to get you back on the road quicker than ever before! If you are interested in learning why Yoga is great for runners and how you might want to incorporateRead More →

Yoga and running

Yoga and Running seem like a match made in heaven. Taking part in either Yoga or running improves both our physical and mental well-being. It stands to reason that putting them together would only increase these benefits. To a degree this is true. Many people happily do both. I personally have seen an improvement to my running after adding yoga to my workouts. But I am a runner first and do yoga on the side. If your intention is to go as far as you can in Yoga then running may not be the best sport for you. Running tends to tighten our muscles whichRead More →

30 day yoga challenge

Last month I started a 30-day yoga challenge. You can read about why I decided to give Yoga a try – Here. But it basically boiled down to my hopes that it would help me with my running. Since the beginning of the year, my family and I have made an effort to live a more active and healthy lifestyle. We started eating Keto and we started Running. I never imagined that both of those things would have me trying Yoga. I have always kind of shunned Yoga as viable exercise. Until now. Since the 30 days are officially over its time to revisit Yoga andRead More →

Yoga for Beginners

I have come a long way on my journey to living a healthier life. First by switching my diet to the Keto way of eating and then starting to exercise in the form of running. The more I learn and try to improve the happier I have become. With this in mind, I  decided to give Yoga a try. For years I have shunned yoga, how could something so quiet and slow be considered exercise? And yet, now that I want to improve my running all I hear about are the virtues of Yoga. Alright, Yoga! I am willing to give you a try. IRead More →