Why You Should See Your Dentist Regularly

A six-monthly dental appointment is required for excellent oral health. Gone are the days when dentists were more concerned with repairing dental problems than with avoiding them. The American Dental Association suggests seeing the dentist at least twice a year. This provides your dentist the chance to discover and address any growing problems.

In general, the sooner a dental problem is recognized, the less expensive the procedures required to repair the condition will be. Here are some of the best reasons why seeing the dentist every six months is one of the best things you can do for your oral health.

Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy from Pexels

Developing Issues Are Detected Early On

An inspection of your mouth is always done when you see your dentist. The examination provides for the early identification of any emerging problems. People should never underestimate the value of a physical checkup since certain disorders, such as oral cancer, can be deadly if not treated properly.

Teeth Look Better And Healthier 

It’s common for dentists to do a professional clean of your teeth during a dental appointment. The dentist will scrape tartar off the surface of your teeth during this treatment. Tartar promotes dental decay, therefore the less tartar you have on your teeth, the better. Tartar also causes teeth to become yellow. Tartar removal helps them look whiter. You might also ask your dentist are you a candidate for dental implants? They will be able to tell you when they check over your teeth and if you can go ahead, you’ll have even better-looking teeth. 

Help Treat Sensitivity 

Sensitive teeth are caused by either worn enamel or exposed tooth roots. Other causes of dental sensitivity include cavities, worn fillings, broken teeth, and gum disease. According to the Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA), more than twelve percent of patients have sensitive teeth.

If you have dental sensitivity, make an appointment with your dentist. Sensitivity might indicate more than simply worn-down enamel. For example, you might have a cavity or an abscess that isn’t yet evident. Your dentist will diagnose the particular issue and point you in the right direction for treatment.

Prevent Gum Disease 

People might get gum disease if they don’t remove plaque from their teeth as soon as possible. Plaque accumulation is caused by a lack of brushing and flossing. If this plaque is not removed, it will harden and turn into tartar. Tartar can only be removed by a professional dental cleaning, as we’ve mentioned above.

Keep in mind that gum disease progresses slowly and is frequently painless. As a result, if you don’t go to the dentist, you might not know you’re at an advanced stage until it’s too late. Gum and bone structural degradation, as well as tooth loss, can all result from gum disease.

Avoid Painful Treatments 

When a person sees the dentist for routine checkups, the dentist can discover microorganisms that lead to tooth decay. This degradation might lead to unpleasant surgeries or extractions in the future. Many of these processes are avoidable if a person commits to keeping a regular dental visit schedule. 

The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion recommends seeing a dentist regularly, as well as flossing, avoiding excessive alcohol use, limiting sugary beverages and meals, and cleaning teeth twice a day. These are simple but effective actions to follow if you want to enhance your dental health or keep your present teeth and gums healthy.

Better Confidence 

Your smile is your most noticeable facial feature, and it plays a significant role in first impressions. According to a recent study, ninety-four percent of those asked stated they are likely to notice a person’s smile upon meeting them for the first time. A beautiful, healthy, and bright grin can do wonders for your self-esteem. Even slight changes may significantly impact how you appear and feel. By seeing your dentist regularly, you can maintain that great smile, or even improve yours if you think there is an issue with it. 

Your Oral Health Is Connected To Your Overall Health 

Every one of your body’s organs or tissues, including your teeth and gums, are interconnected. Chronic gum disease and tooth decay can spread to other parts of your body. While the link between gum disease and cardiac diseases like strokes and heart attacks is still being researched, many doctors believe that inflammation in the gum tissue induces inflammation elsewhere within the body. Regular dental cleanings to remove plaque and tartar from tooth surfaces are a simple way to prevent gum disease and protect your heart.

Poor oral health not only affects other systems in the body. The opposite is also true: disorders from other parts of the body might develop in the mouth before you notice any other symptoms. Lupus, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis can all produce problems in the mouth’s teeth, gums, and soft tissues. Dentists cannot diagnose or treat these disorders, but during routine dental checkups, they can spot anything worrisome and refer it to your physician or a specialist.

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