As bloggers, we spend a lot of time working on content. We brainstorm idea’s, research concepts and most of us spend several hours writing and editing those notes every week so that we can share our findings with all of our readers. While our writing might make up the bulk of our posts and contain the message we want to share all of our work will be for nothing if no one sees it! How do we make sure people see our work? Most of us post our articles to social media sites such as Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter to increase our views. Everyone knows that the true key to these social media platforms is grabbing people’s attention. Beautiful images are an important aspect of this but so is your font choice! Finding the perfect font might seem difficult but it doesn’t have to be! Keep reading to find out how you can find your perfect font and why it’s so important!.
Why Choosing The Perfect Font Is Important

This is a sponsored post. I was compensated for creating this content but all thoughts and opinions are strictly my own.
Why Does Font Matter?
We all know that clear, brightly lit photos are important when it comes to blog articles and social media and we have already talked about some different ways that we can improve our photos in a previous article – Useful Blogging Tools For Taking Better Photos. But, why does our font matter? I mean as long as you can read it shouldn’t that be good enough?
Like most things, a little bit of effort can go a long way. While we might do okay with mediocre photos and quickly typed articles – we’ll do better with beautiful photos and well thought out writing. Fonts are no different and surprisingly you can convey a lot of information with the type of font you choose to use in your articles, logo, and social media marketing.
This is especially true for visual platforms like Pinterest and Instagram and since Pinterest’s recent changes mean that you’re likely making a lot more pin images then you were before – having some great fonts can really make your pins stand out in the flood.
What Does Your Font Say About You?
Font’s have personality and the ones we choose to use can say a lot about the thoughts we want to convey. It might sound strange at first glance but when you sit back and think about it for a minute it makes a lot of sense. Would you hire a lawyer to defend you in an important case if they used Disney’s font for their logo? I suppose you might if you really loved Disney… but most people would be a bit concerned about the more childish nature of that logo.
Likewise, if you were looking to market a children’s book such a fun font might be exactly what you’re looking for. Font’s can be silly, serious, old fashioned, modern, flirty and nearly everything in between. There are even fonts which might seem a little bit angry!
Before choosing a font for your pin image or Instagram quote you might want to keep these personalities in mind. A serious article or quote will be better served with a cleaner more straight-laced font while a whimsical or hopeful image might be the perfect place to try out that swirly fun font you’ve had your eye on!

Where To Find Fonts
Quite a few graphics programs come pre-loaded with a small selection of fonts that you can pick from. While some of these fonts might be useful they are also pretty common and probably won’t help you really stand out from the crowd. Standing out from the crowd is one of the easiest ways to draw attention to your article and pairing a great image with a great font is a fantastic way to do this.
Finding new fonts might seem challenging if you’ve never done it before but I assure you it’s pretty easy! In fact, there you can find free font in places like that are both easy to download and far more unique then the ones you might find already on your computer.
How To Pick The Perfect Font For You!
Now that you have learned where to find unique fonts for your images, banners, and logos it’s important to ask yourself the following questions so that you can pick the perfect font to use! Look at the font you are considering and as yourself …
- Doe’s the font portray the right emotions? Is it serious or playful? Exciting or somber? Make sure that the font you choose matches the idea an emotions you’re trying to portray in your article or website!
- Is the font easy to read? People on the internet are unlikely to spend more then a few seconds trying to figure out if you have the information they are looking for. If they have to squint or spend time trying to decipher what you’re saying they will probably just keep scrolling. Make sure the font you choose is easy to read!
- How may fonts will your project require and, is your new font too similar to another you have picked? While some projects might require only one font, pairing different fonts together can be a fun way to draw attention to your images. If you are pairing fonts together make sure you pick a pair of fonts that contrast one another for best results!
- Make sure your chosen font is supported and includes everything you need! While most fonts can be viewed in most browsers and used in most programs some wind up causing problems – and some lack special characters that you might require. Always test your chosen font out before getting too entrenched in a project to make sure it will meet your needs! If you find your font is unsupported with certain browsers but you really want to use it you can create heading banners as images though doing so might impact your SEO.
How To Add A New Font To Your PC
Finding the perfect font is pointless if you don’t now how to add it to your computer or blogging platform! Here are some resources for adding fonts to some of the most common platforms!
- Adding Custom Fonts to WordPress
- Adding Custom Fonts to Blogger
- Adding Custom Fonts to your PC
- Adding Custom Fonts to your Mac