Earth Day Family Activities, Fun for Everyone

Earth Day activities for families

For last years Earth Day family activities the kids and I made Flower Seed bombs and while they were a huge hit I

wanted to do something a bit different. Every year I envy the houses in the neighborhood with hanging plants on the front porch. There is just something so inviting and homey about it. Most people choose ferns or petunias but I still wanted to do something to help our local wildlife. So the kids and I decided to plant a wildflower selection in our hanging pots.

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Earth Day Family Activities – Hanging Flower Pots

Earth day activities for families

This project has the benefit of being both simple and affordable. Especially if you raid local DollarTree for supplies like I did. I have become a pretty big believer in the DollarTree in the last few years. I find that you can turn almost any dollar store item into a work of art if you really want too. For this project, I left the hanging pots the default terra cotta color. I felt that this match the rest of my porch decor, such as my DIY Spring Planter. This project has the benefit of being both very simple and very cheap. Especially if you pick up your supplies at your


I probably could have gotten seedlings or flowers from the local garden centers but my kids enjoy the process of watching them grow so we went with seeds. Because this was a project for Earth Day and I used the opportunity to teach the kids about our local pollinators and wildlife we also made sure to pick a wildflower mix. The local Dollar Tree had three wildflower mixes to choose from – Shade, Sun & Bird and Butterfly.

Since we used seeds it will be a while before we will have blooming pots on earth day activities for familiesour front porch. That’s okay, it will be worth the wait and they have already started to sprout. I let the kids do all the work on this project, from filling the pots to sprinkling the seeds. They even have the chore of watering them.

Taking care of plants is a great way to teach children about respecting the land around us. It also teaches younger children how to be responsible for other living things without having to get an animal Involved. Learning about the plight of bees and how important all the pollinators are to our lifestyle is an added bonus but an important one.

Earth Day Family Activites – The Buzz About Bees, Free Activity Sheet

Last year we did a scavenger hunt to learn about nature in our own backyard. This year my youngest is all about art and we have been working hard on learning her words and letters. To that end, I created a simple worksheet for them to do together as part of our Earth Day family activities. With my oldest to help her read my 6-year-old can copy out the right words and color in the pictures.

I thought I would include the ‘Buzz about Bee’s’ worksheet as a free download for all of you to use as well! Click the picture below to download your own copy!

Earth Day activities for families Bee worksheet Preview

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  1. This is great. With it was nice enough here to do some planting like this. I might just modify this project to be indoor plant friendly and then move them all outside when the weather is warmer.

    1. Author

      I imagine the seeds would sprout just fine indoors. But the pots would look lovely with any flowers in them =-)

    1. Author

      That pretty much sums up parental life hahaha! It was a lot of fun though!

  2. Fun idea! I think I know a couple of kiddos that will enjoy this with me 🙂

    1. Author

      My kids love anything that involves being outside and they really had fun doing this. I’m sure yours will too!

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