Things seem to be expanding quickly on the homestead! I expected this to be the case while getting our homesteading family set up but it will probably slow down as fall arrives and we settle down to wait. Waiting for plants to grow and animals to mature! While there are some projects that we can rush, mother nature isn’t one of them! This is probably a good thing since the kids have recently started virtual school and that takes up a good bit of time. Homesteading Family – What We’ve Done This Month This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase afterRead More →

Confidence is something you build over time, and what better time to start building your child’s confidence than when they are young? As kids get older, it becomes more and more important for them to trust in themselves and their capabilities, while also being able to deal with failure and disappointment in a healthy manner. This is true evidence of confidence. So if you’re looking for creative ways to boost your child’s confidence, look no further, because here are 5 helpful tips on how to raise confident kids.  How To Raise Confident Kids This is a collaborative post. This post may contain affiliate links. IfRead More →

Building self-esteem can be challenging. When you’re a young child you have many people encouraging you as you learn new skills and (hopefully) looking out for you as you figure things out. It’s not until we get older, venture out in the world and have to deal with negative social interactions like bullying and are faced with more serious consequences to our failures – like losing out on a job, or failing a course in school, that many of us start to doubt ourselves and our abilities. Creating self-esteem as an adult can be a special challenge because we tend to get caught up inRead More →

2019 Summer Box Review from FabFitFun

The 2019 Summer box from FabFitFun marks the second summer box that I have received. I always love summer boxes because they tend to be filled with fun products. Last summer I received a beach towel I adore and a contour kit that I still use regularly. I couldn’t wait to see what they sent this year! Subscription boxes would probably become an addiction for me if I had unlimited funds for them! There seems to be a subscription box for pretty much everything nowadays, including a Keto snack crate! The only reason I stick with FabFitFun as my main box of choice is thatRead More →

Keto holiday survival guide.

My husband and I started eating Keto over a year ago near the tail end of summer. This meant that we were a few months into our Keto journey by the time Thanksgiving and Christmas rolled around, but we were still in the learning process. Surviving get-togethers where the food was decidedly non-keto for the most part was a challenge and lessons were definitely learned along the way! Hopefully, with the help of this Keto holiday survival guide, you won’t have nearly the stress about it that we did! Holiday get-togethers are supposed to be fun and something to look forward too! Certainly, no one needsRead More →

Starting Keto can seem like a difficult task but it doesn’t have to be! For those of you who have been following along on the blog then you know I started Keto several months ago. Starting keto has made such a great impact on my life that I want to share it with everyone. This way of eating has brought so much energy and joy back into my life that I could never go back to living the way I was before. As of this article, I have officially lost 41Ibs and dropped several sizes in clothing. While the weight loss is certainly nice thatRead More →