DIY skills and gear

It is inevitable that at some point in our lives we will be faced with the option of doing something ourselves…or hiring someone else to do it for us. Depending on the time, equipment and safety requirements of the project you have in mind either choice might be a viable choice. I have always preferred to do it myself anytime that I can. Some of the wonderful benefits of DIY projects might be surprising and others might be what you consider common sense! But! If you’ve been sitting on the fence and wondering if you really want to tackle that DIY project, The points belowRead More →

Once in a while, I get nominated for fun and unusual posting challenges. Sometimes they fit into my schedule and sometimes they don’t. Once in a while one comes along that sounds like so much fun to do that I fit it in anyways! This is the case with the Vogue Parody blogging challenge that Sarah at nominated me for. Normally I would be a bit overwhelmed at the thoughts of answering 73 questions about myself but these seemed like some pretty fun ones and it’s been a while since I posted a whimsical and fun post like this. Besides, I know that IRead More →

how to run farther without hurting yourself

When you become a mother or a wife, dealing with medical scares are probably the last thing in the world that you want to do. But they do happen! Sometimes it’s a freak accident requiring a trip to the hospital or the result of an unhealthy lifestyle and sometimes it’s there right from the start as a gift of genetics. Regardless of the cause, bad things happen sometimes and it can be difficult for your family, especially young children. While I don’t think anyone can truly prepare for all possible test results, accidents or issues that might come up, I do think that we canRead More →

The benefits of planting trees

When we first moved into our home the yard was completely barren of trees. We didn’t think too much about it at the time – we were far more interested in the size of the yard and the neighborhood in general! We moved in during the winter and honestly, spent very little time in our yard for those first few months. It wasn’t until spring rolled around and we wanted to get out an enjoy the changing seasons that we noticed the glaring lack of shade in our yard! Providing shade is probably one of the biggest benefits of planting trees in your yard butRead More →

Current favorites, what I've been loving lately

It’s a little over halfway through the year which is crazy! This year is just flying by and it feels like a great time to take stock of everything that has made it great so far. Our current favorites are a nice way to sit back and remind ourselves of everything we have tried, learned & loved as we move through the year. Reminding myself of the reasons I have to be grateful is a wonderful way to keep working in a positive mindset. Some years are harder than others and even the best years have roadblocks. As humans, we tend to focus on theRead More →

Life is full of surprises, some of them are amazing and some of them are challenging. Becoming a Grandma is firmly in my amazing category but there are definitely a few things I’ve learned in the last few months that highlight the differences between being a parent and being a grandparent. I fully expect this journey to be a roller coaster of epic proportions! Here are just a few things I’ve learned so far! 5 Things I’ve Learned Since becoming a Grandma Baby’s are a LOT of Work You would think since I still have young kids of my own that I would have rememberedRead More →

A personalized phone case from GoCustomized

If you ask five people to name an item they can’t live without, there’s a good chance that most of them will name their phone. Even if they don’t it’s likely pretty high up on the list. As much as we might hate to admit it, our mobile phones are an important part of modern life and having a custom phone case is a small addition I really enjoy. I’m not ashamed to admit that I love my phone. My phone tracks my runs, takes the pictures for this blog, keeps me in touch with family & friends and allows me to save time andRead More →

preparing for summer break fun

When you’re a kid summer is a time of fun and relaxation. No school and no worries! It kind of goes in the opposite direction once you become a parent! Of course, it’s fun to have our children home with us more often but it can also bring its own challenges. Especially for parents who work and families who follow a strict budget. Preparing for summer break ahead of time can mean the difference between a fun-filled summer or a couple of months of stress. Not quite sure how you’re going to manage this summer? Then these tips are for you! Preparing for Summer Break,Read More →

When we moved into our home I knew right away that I wanted to change the front yard. The front garden was nothing but stones and some pretty ugly bushes. That was probably some pretty good luck for us since everyone knows that creating curb appeal is a great way to increase the price of your home! During that first summer, we made a few changes, we put in a little pond and ripped up those ugly bushes. Small changes but enough to make me happy! Creating Curb Appeal to Upgrade Your Home Unfortunately, this small bit of progress quickly fell back into chaos. WeRead More →

Tigeropolis a great wildlife conservation book for kids

I have always been an avid reader. For as long as I can remember my favorite way to relax has been reading a good book. There is something soothing about leaving the real world behind and immersing yourself in a well written story. Of course I wanted to share this love with my children as they grew! Although getting them interested in reading was a challenge in the beginning I am happy to say that my oldest is now an huge bookworm and my youngest? Well, she’s getting there! Getting my kids to enjoy reading is due in large part to books like Tigeropolis: CaughtRead More →