Everyone knows I love the Dollar Tree! It’s pretty apparent to everyone I talk to and I have an entire section of this blog devoted to it! A lot of people seem very surprised at the items you can find at the Dollar Tree, I suspect that this is due to the preconceived notion that Dollar Store Items are cheap and poorly made. I don’t find this to be the case, here are 5 things you should definitely buy at the Dollar Tree! Warning: Super EXCITING sweepstakes link below!!! In fact, I am writing this post today in partnership with the Dollar Tree to celebrateRead More →

Every dog owner wants to keep their dog’s safe! Pets are a part of the family and all of us have suffered a few scary moments here and there when it comes to our furry companions. Perhaps your dog charged out the door once, jerked the leash out of your hand or somehow managed to escape a yard that you thought was fully secure. Regardless of the reason your dog got loose, knowing that you have the ability to find them quickly gives you some peace of mind! The Fi GPS Collar can be a great tool for owners and their dogs during scary situations.Read More →

Just like kids some dogs play nicely with their toys and some dogs destroy toys faster then you can buy them! Connor is pretty good with toys, he rarely destroys his plush toys and just enjoys carrying them around. Echo on the other hand? She rips out stuffing and tears up rope toys within a day or two of receiving them. This is probably because she’s still a puppy but it means that finding durable toys to keep her occupied can be a bit of a challenge! Enter the Bullymake Box. Bullymake Box, Durable Dog Toys! What Is The BullyMake Box? Bullymake is a monthlyRead More →

2019 Summer Box Review from FabFitFun

The 2019 Summer box from FabFitFun marks the second summer box that I have received. I always love summer boxes because they tend to be filled with fun products. Last summer I received a beach towel I adore and a contour kit that I still use regularly. I couldn’t wait to see what they sent this year! Subscription boxes would probably become an addiction for me if I had unlimited funds for them! There seems to be a subscription box for pretty much everything nowadays, including a Keto snack crate! The only reason I stick with FabFitFun as my main box of choice is thatRead More →

There are moments in our lives that deserve to be captured with nothing less than a fantastic celebration. Spending these moments with friends and family is definitely the best way to celebrate. Sending out invitation cards for graduation and other family events is the first step in planning a great celebration. These cards can often set the tone for the entire event and as such have always been seen as an important part of graduation parties, first birthdays and wedding planning. Tips for Picking A Great Invitation Long gone are the days where we are limited by the choices we have in our local stores.Read More →

Goose Creek Candle Jars

I haven’t been a candle fanatic for long. In fact, before I learned about Goose Creek I didn’t really care about them at all! Everything changed when I received Blueberry Cheesecake and now I’ve found myself with a new problem! What exactly does one do with all the empty candle jars? It seems a shame to throw them away. The large candle jars are especially cute looking and seem like they could be reused in numerous ways! Since I have no plan to stop collecting Goose Creek candles I figured I better figure something out! So this will be the first in a series ofRead More →

Tigeropolis a great wildlife conservation book for kids

I have always been an avid reader. For as long as I can remember my favorite way to relax has been reading a good book. There is something soothing about leaving the real world behind and immersing yourself in a well written story. Of course I wanted to share this love with my children as they grew! Although getting them interested in reading was a challenge in the beginning I am happy to say that my oldest is now an huge bookworm and my youngest? Well, she’s getting there! Getting my kids to enjoy reading is due in large part to books like Tigeropolis: CaughtRead More →

fabfitfun spring box

It’s that time of year again! This 2019 FabFitFun Spring Box officially marks one year since I subscribed. A full year of FabFitFun has certainly opened my eyes to a lot of products I wouldn’t have tried otherwise. I have loved some items and not been as fond of others which is to be expected. But! I love the surprise and fun that comes with every box that shows up! Signing up for FabFitFun was a wild leap of faith a year ago, one more step on my personal journey. It was part of my mission to treat myself more often and I am happyRead More →

Should I Get a Fitness Tracker?

Running is a hobby you can enjoy with pretty small startup costs – some good shoes to prevent injury and you’re good to go! Technically you don’t need to track anything while you run and sometimes just running for the love of it is worthwhile. At some point, you’ll probably want to start measuring your progress and working towards some running goals. When I first started running I was happy to use my phone and the multiple free applications available to do this. But the farther I ran and the more involved I got with the sport the more information I wanted. It won’t beRead More →

personalized shampoo from Formulate

Dealing with your hair can be a real love/hate relationship. Sometimes it looks great, other times you can fight with it all day and never be satisfied! Unfortunately for most of my life, I’ve spent far more time fighting with my hair then loving it. I never liked the color and due to its super fine nature, it tends to be unruly and hard to manage. It knots at the slightest breeze and turns frizzy if the air even hints at some moisture – which can be a real problem when you live in the south! Of course, if I had heard of personalized shampooRead More →