Goose Creek Scented Candles - Blueberry Cheesecake

I have a confession to make. I have always liked candles but I have never considered myself a ‘candle person’. In fact, in our household, it’s my husband that’s always loved candles. We can’t go into a store without him picking up at least one. I enjoyed the candles, but let’s face it – most of them are quite expensive with very little benefits. In my experience, scented candles smell great for a few minutes and then fade away which makes their price tag a bit dubious right? It also made me a little bit wary about trying higher priced candles. Why should I spendRead More →

Electric Toothbrushes the cariPRO toothbrush from Smile Brilliant

Brushing your teeth is something we all do on a regular basis, much like sleeping. And yet, although we had no problem paying the extra money for a good mattress to sleep on I always found myself balking when it came to electric toothbrushes. There is no doubt that they can be pricy and were the benefits truly worth it? Honestly, I had no idea! When I was approached by Smile Brilliant (who I had a great experience working with before) about giving one of their new products a try I was more than happy to receive a cariPRO Ultrasonic! Electric Toothbrushes, Our Thoughts on Switching! I was compensatedRead More →

Wooden Watches for Women

I’ll be honest, I never used to put a lot of thought into the accessories I used with my outfits. To be frank I never really bothered with them at all. As long as I had a shirt and some pants I was fine. Adding necklaces, watches and bracelets seemed frivolous and unnecessary. What I didn’t realize at the time was that this lack of care wasn’t so much because I didn’t like the items but because I didn’t want to pull attention to myself. I didn’t like myself so why should I bother trying to look pretty? When we started our healthier lifestyle I alsoRead More →

Keto Chocolate Bars from Kiss My Keto

I might have committed to a Keto lifestyle last year but I fully admit to being a full-fledged chocolate lover. Don’t get me wrong, the benefits of my new way of eating fully outweigh my desire for a chocolate bar but every now and then I do miss them! That’s pretty normal I think, my husband admits to missing potatoes so we all have our weaknesses. To combat his potato cravings we substitute with cauliflower which tends to work pretty well. To combat my chocolate cravings? I’ve tried many things and while I’ve found some decent substitutes I’m always willing to try some new ones.Read More →

FabFitFun Winter Box review

This winter box marks a full year of subscribing to FabFitFun! I have to admit that the anticipation of waiting for each new box never diminished. Although I haven’t ended up a giant fan of every product I received I have enjoyed giving them all a try. Most of these are items I never would have bought on my own. not because I didn’t want them but because, despite all my best efforts, I still have trouble indulging in products just for me. This FabFitFun winter box was no exception! It was filled with wonderfully warm and cozy items that were perfect for the seasonRead More →

Christmas Decorations set up following our Family Christmas Traditions

Family Christmas traditions are so interesting. I didn’t really think about it until I was married and had children of my own. Growing up my family celebrated Christmas, in the same way, every year, there were small traditions and larger ones but that’s just the way it was done! When I got married, however, it soon became apparent that my husband had grown up with different traditions and thoughts about the holidays. We had to learn how to blend our family traditions and once we had kids we found ourselves creating our own little way of doing things. When our children grow older and start theirRead More →

creating a comfortable workspace in your home

Working from home is one of those things a lot of people dream about. Someday they say, I will get to sit down in my pajamas and make some money from the comfort of my own home! It’s a worthy dream to have and in today’s society becoming more and more plausible. Not only do a lot of companies offer remote work that can be done from anywhere but the expanding influence of bloggers (like myself!) are catching the eyes of bigger brands. Working from home might not be the pipe dream that it was in the past! There are some challenges to overcome when electingRead More →

fabfitfun fall box packaging

As part of my self-care routine this year I signed up to receive the fabfitfun box! While buying yourself things like this might not seem like like self-care on the outside I have found that it really helps me. For so many years I neglected myself when it came to pampering. I would buy things for the kids and if my husband wanted something I never said no, but when it came to myself? I would hold back from splurging in order to save money. Now, saving money is important when your family runs on a budget, but, taking care of yourself is important too. SometimesRead More →

teeth whitening try kit from smile brilliant

About a year ago now my husband and I came to the conclusion that we weren’t happy with the way our lives were going. This had nothing to do with our relationship which was and still is very strong!  It had everything to do with our lifestyle. It was becoming clear that we were quickly marching down the path to an unhealthy future. We were suffering from health problems and a lack of energy that made enjoying time with our kids somewhat difficult. We made the commitment to change – first by starting to follow the Keto way of eating and then by exercising. First,Read More →

I have become a big fan of journaling and planning over the last year. Keeping up with my goals and daily tasks have brought a tremendous sense of peace to my life. Being able to wake up in the morning, open my journal or planner and see exactly what needs to be accomplished that day helps keep the stress of trying to remember it all to a minimum. But, I recognize that creating a bullet journal or keeping up with a regular planner can be time-consuming and challenging for many people. Journaling for busy families requires a less time-consuming method. Something that takes only minutesRead More →