st patricks day candle

I have to admit that I have been wanting to melt down some crayons and attempt to make my own candle for quite a while now! St. Patricks day seemed like the perfect opportunity to give this a try! With fun themes like shamrocks, golden coins and rainbows there are plenty of opportunities to personalize this St Patricks day candle project to fit any decorating theme you might have. While our family doesn’t celebrate St. Patricks day very much I still find it fun to do a few small things to celebrate. These smaller holidays are a great way to break up the months andRead More →

I have always admired dreamcatchers. They are beautiful works of art that can be highly personalized with beads, feathers, and colors. But, I have never made one before! It’s a project that I always thought would be pretty complicated. However, since I have started making it a priority to try something new every month I have found that I’m more willing to give different DIY projects a try! Most of the time I find that they’re not as difficult as I first thought and creating a dreamcatcher is no exception! Learn Something New With Kristin Feature 15 – Creating a Dreamcatcher. This post may containRead More →

Tips for Sculpting with Ar Dry Clay, Octopus lightswitch

Sculpting is an art form that has intrigued me since I was a little kid. There is something pretty awesome about taking a lump of nothing and turning it into something artistic. As kids, we explore this with play dough but as adults, a lot of us forget to keep our creativity alive. I hope these tips for sculpting with air dry clay will persuade you to keep your’s flowing! I feel like following creative pursuits is a big part of living a positive and happy life. Trying new things, working with my hands and constantly coming up with ideas keeps my mind sharp andRead More →

DIY Mosaic Projects, Dolphin wall hanging

It’s easy to admire mosaics! The bright colors and fun designs are perfect for bringing cheer to a room or admiring on a bright summer day. I have always loved looking at them and in the back of my mind, I’ve always wanted to try making one! DIY mosaic projects are very popular and if you have any old chipped plates laying around they can be a great way to reuse some old materials too! I don’t know why I’ve never tried making a mosaic before – I think I was always a little bit intimidated by the idea of grouting. Thankfully this process turnedRead More →

5 ways to use your perfect picture

For many bloggers, photography ends up being a hobby of necessity. You take up blogging because you love to write but all the guides tell you that you need really great pictures too! Maybe you don’t have the most amazing camera (I use my phone!) but you find yourself setting up photo shoots and learning about lighting anyways. You learn that the real rule of photography is to take 1 million shots and hope that at least one turns out. Pretty soon your phone’s memory is taken up with a thousand duplicate photos as you hunt for that one perfect shot. And sometimes you reallyRead More →

DIY Easter Centerpiece, Bunny in a Basket

It’s crazy to think that it’s already time to start thinking about Easter! In a lot of area’s I know the snow is still blowing and thoughts of spring chicks and bunnies might be few and far between – but trust me! It will be here before you know it! I don’t know if it’s getting older, having kids or always looking ahead thanks to the blog but time just seems to go faster and faster every year and I know for a fact that if I don’t start preparing for holidays early I’ll be completely rushed and stressed out when they catch me byRead More →

DIY Rag Rug A fun and simple project for your home

About a year ago we decided to rip the carpet out of our house. It’s probably the best decision we have made!  I hated the carpet in our house for so long! It was always dirty, no matter how much I vacuumed, and carpet with kids and a dog is basically a recipe for stains. It looked terrible and I was reasonably sure that it wasn’t so great for our health either. Replacing the carpet with laminate means I also got the chance to dabble in rugs. I actually love rugs, the ability to swap them out seasonally is highly appealing. Sometimes I want aRead More →

dollar store halloween vase header

But Kristin! You have already done a Dollar Store craft post this month! I know..but it’s the month of Halloween! It’s my favorite holiday! One craft is not enough! You can probably expect more than one for Christmas too. Just think of it as a bit of extra fun. Plus, the Dollar Tree this year had so many great Halloween items that you’re all probably lucky I didn’t do an entire month of Halloween crafts. If it wasn’t for my self-imposed Dollar Store budget while shopping I probably would have. The entire house would end up a Halloween wonderland. For the sake of my husband’sRead More →

glow in the dark Halloween wreath from the DollarTree

When it comes time to decorate for the holiday’s nothing it more exciting and fun than making them yourself! Not only do I get to be creative and spend an afternoon playing around with art supplies but its generally cheaper in the long run too. Especially if you scavenge your local dollar store for materials and ideas. If you have spent any time on this blog then I’m sure you already know how much I adore the Dollar tree when it comes to crafting and today’s glow in the dark Halloween wreath is no exception! With Halloween right around the corner its the perfect time to stock upRead More →

Fall Dollar Store Craft - Putting autumn in a bottle

Who loves Fall? I know it’s a season I look forward to every year! Okay, maybe I miss the beach and swimming and I never really look forward to being cold. But! I love fall anyway. The lack of bugs, the colors on the trees, pulling out my cozy sweaters and it’s boot season. I love my leather boots! Fall also brings with it the holiday season, it’s a time of year when we get to spend time with loved ones, eat good food and be thankful. There is no doubt that fall is a wonderful season and all good seasons deserve decorations! Everybody whoRead More →