While the thought of remote working used to be somewhat rare in most fields, it’s now a necessity for many people. This change has been thrown upon many of us without any time to prepare and no prior experience. While some companies have offered the option of working from home for a while, it has been recommended in many areas that everybody work from home unless it is absolutely critical for them to be at the office. Working and Homeschooling during Covid 19 has been a challenge but one that we can overcome!  Ideally, having some time to prepare yourself for working from home wouldRead More →

Moving can be an exciting time in your life, but it can also become a challenge when you’re doing it with a large family. Moving with a large family will require you to be careful about hiring moving services long distance as you’ll have to pay attention to your budget. You also have to make sure that the contractors you’ll hire truly understand your family’s needs. Moving with a large family can be a struggle, but it can always be done. There are now several methods for you to easily accomplish this task which you can learn by reading below! 5 Easy Moving Tips ForRead More →

This was supposed to be a one month challenge but the world decided to upend every routine we had and so here we are two months later with our cleaning routine results! While we are all still adjusting to this social distancing lifestyle (I really miss my Dollar store trips and crafts!) and the kids being home until the next school year starts, I have made some strides when it comes to sticking to my cleaning routine. Is it perfect? Not yet… but it’s getting there and I feel confident enough to make this post. Cleaning Routine Results, Getting Organized This post may contain affiliateRead More →

Getting a new job can be a wonderful and exciting time for a family! Often new jobs and new careers come with the promise of increased pay or opportunities for future growth that can make a large difference in your future. You should celebrate the changes to come but it’s also completely normal to be a bit nervous about the challenges that moving for work can bring with it. This is especially true if the job transfer happens to be a long-distance move with family and pets involved. Navigating a move can be difficult at the best of times. Finding the time to pack allRead More →

Most of us have first aid kits at home – or at the very least a slightly disorganized medicine cabinet with the basics! Especially if you have kids! Band-aids, thermometers and antibiotic creams seem to find their way into your cabinets on a regular basis because let’s face it … kids are accident-prone! Our pets might not suffer from skinned knees and small bumps quite as often but they still manage to find ways to hurt themselves now and then and being prepared with a pet based home emergency kit can really come in handy when those moments present themselves. While a first aid kitRead More →

It’s easy to let some chores slip through the cracks. Life gets busy and even mandatory tasks like laundry and dishes can sometimes seem a bit overwhelming! While recently trying to keep up with these day-to-day chores thanks to the use of a cleaning schedule it’s come to my attention that there is a whole host of other tasks that should be seen to. These yearly home maintenance tasks are easy to forget about because they happen less often but are no less important in the grand scheme of things! Catching problems early, before they escalate further can save you from a lot of heartache,Read More →

Do cleaning routines work

I have been a stay at home mom for many years now and you would think that means I’d have this whole housework thing down by now! Sadly, keeping up with the housework is something I continue to struggle with and have for as long as I can remember. As a child and teenager, my room was a disaster. My locker at school? well…we nicknamed it ‘The Abyss’. Things went into those places and oftentimes, they never came out! While my house doesn’t reach that level of chaos I am well aware it could be better! The counters are cluttery, the laundry sometimes doesn’t getRead More →

journal vs planner

Did you realize that the average person spends nearly 4,000 hours of their life looking for misplaced items? If you are tired of your home being in a constant state of disarray, now is the time to do something about it. During the summer months, most people use their downtime to get their home organized and clean. The weather during this time of year is so nice that it provides people with more energy and motivation. Are you looking for a way to declutter and organize your home this summer? If so, check out the helpful 5 summer organization tips below. 5 Summer Organization TipsRead More →

creating a comfortable workspace in your home

Working from home is one of those things a lot of people dream about. Someday they say, I will get to sit down in my pajamas and make some money from the comfort of my own home! It’s a worthy dream to have and in today’s society becoming more and more plausible. Not only do a lot of companies offer remote work that can be done from anywhere but the expanding influence of bloggers (like myself!) are catching the eyes of bigger brands. Working from home might not be the pipe dream that it was in the past! There are some challenges to overcome when electingRead More →

I have become a big fan of journaling and planning over the last year. Keeping up with my goals and daily tasks have brought a tremendous sense of peace to my life. Being able to wake up in the morning, open my journal or planner and see exactly what needs to be accomplished that day helps keep the stress of trying to remember it all to a minimum. But, I recognize that creating a bullet journal or keeping up with a regular planner can be time-consuming and challenging for many people. Journaling for busy families requires a less time-consuming method. Something that takes only minutesRead More →